CANCER MISSION 2020…The End Of Cancer By The End Of The Decade
On June 22, 2009, Camp Good Days and I were pleased to host the 29th Congressional District Cancer Summit at our Recreational Facility on Keuka Lake and since that time have been working, planning, and putting the pieces in place to finally establish a coordinated, comprehensive, and cohesive effort to find the answers that have been eluding us in the fight against cancer. Today, Thursday, December 2, 2010, we officially launched Cancer Mission 2020…The End Of Cancer By The End Of The Decade!
There has never been a better time than right now, for all of us to come together, using the many tools, technology and resources available to us, to defeat this disease that is claiming the lives of some 11,000 Americans each week. It is as if one of the Twin Towers is falling every single day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. One out of every three American women and one out of every two American men will face a cancer diagnosis at some point in their lifetime and in the United States, if you are 85 years old or younger, cancer is the leading cause of death. According to a report earlier this year from the World Health Organization, not only was cancer proclaimed to be the most economically devastating disease, but it is now the number one disease killer in the world. If we don’t do something here in the United States, cancer will be the leading cause of death, regardless of age, by the year 2016. We are now in the position that it is not a matter of “if” but just a matter of “when” we ourselves or someone we love will have to battle this horrible disease. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting different results. It is time to do something different and actually obtain different results!
Cancer Mission 2020 brings together doctors, researchers and other medical practitioners, legislators and government officials, representatives from support and service agencies, cancer patients, and community members, to move forward with a goal of having 1.5 million voices, together as one, leading the way with a new game plan, with the ultimate mission to end cancer by the end of this decade!
The mission begins at, and includes educating ourselves and those around us about taking advantage of what we know now (screenings, diet and lifestyle changes, etc.); increasing the knowledge of and patient participation in clinical trials, especially in the cases of adults with cancer, where the current participation is only 3-5%; having patients be able to participate in clinical trials without the fear or possibility of having their health insurance canceled as a result; publicly sharing the results of cancer research – we can’t afford to duplicate research efforts; converting the healthcare system from one that is illness-based to one that is wellness-based; calling for a National Cancer Summit; and rekindling the belief and the will in the American people that cancer is a disease that will not be tolerated any longer and can be defeated!
Cancer Mission 2020 is the movement to demand action, results, and to ensure that the right hand knows what the left hand is doing so that we can be victorious, once and for all, in our fight against cancer.
Join me, join more than one million others, join Cancer Mission 2020 and know that you will be a part of a coordinated effort to END CANCER BY THE END OF THE DECADE!