Wow! What else can I say?
Sixty-three thousand, six hundred
and fourteen dollars. What the Teddi Dance For Love committee does every year
in honoring Teddi’s legacy is truly remarkable. Thank you to Jenny, Olivia, and
the rest of the committee for everything this year.
This year, the Dance For Love was something that I really
needed. I had just found out prior to the Dance For Love that my close friend,
Chris McVicker, who was a longtime friend to both myself and Camp Good Days,
had passed away. The Teddi Dance is somewhere that I can always count on to put
a smile on my face, even in the toughest of times. The impact of the Dance For
Love is something that is impossible for me to convey how much it means.
What a touching tribute to Sam Parker, who was a former Courage Bowl Honorary Coach. I'm sure Sam was smiling down on you all as you danced through the night.
Dr. Lou Buttino, who started the Teddi Dance For Love, said
that “immortality is being loved by anonymous people.” Thanks to the Dance For Love,
students who have been born well after Teddi passed away, have been able to
keep her memory and spirit alive. To me, as a dad, what greater gift could you
ever give?
When I see the Mastercard commercials saying, “Priceless,”
when the committee chants “Teddi, Teddi, Teddi,” for me, it is priceless.