Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Sad and Difficult Week

This past week has been a very difficult one, where in the midst of the excitement and challenges of the final weeks of our 33rd summer of programs, we have lost two very special members of our Camp Good Days’ family.

Last Wednesday, while at our Recreational Facility, I learned that a very special friend of mine, and someone who had been instrumental in helping me to start Camp Good Days, had passed away.  Former Monroe County Legislator and Family Court Judge, Anthony F. Bonadio died last week after a long battle with Alzheimer’s. 

Judge Bonadio was always the first to stand up for young people in our community and while most would use Family Court as a stepping stone to bigger positions, Judge Bonadio was honored and pleased to serve as a Judge in Family Court for two full terms (20 years).

Judge Bonadio was a good husband to his wife, Marilyn, a good father to his four children, and loving grandfather to his grandchildren.  In addition, he was a very special friend to the many, many children and families at Camp Good Days and was someone who could always be counted on to help out. 

In the early hours of this Tuesday morning, Melinda Gippe Andrus lost her battle to cancer.  Over the past 33 years, since I started Camp Good Days and Special Times, following the diagnosis of my youngest daughter, Teddi, with a malignant brain tumor, I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to meet some extraordinary people.  People of all ages, who in small ways and big ways, have had an impact on my life and I like to believe that each one of them has left me with something that has helped me to become the person I am today. 

Des Stone, the former Editor of the Democrat & Chronicle’s Editorial Page once described Camp Good Days as a place where the human spirit soars and a place that brings out the very best in mankind. 

Some of those that truly exemplify the very best in mankind are the children I have met who are forced to grow up and become adults much too quickly.  No child age nine, ten, 12 or 13 should have to come face to face with their own mortality.  One of the cruelest parts of being a child diagnosed with cancer is that it robs the child of that very special time in all of our lives called childhood.  That time when you have a sense of invincibility and feel like you will live forever.

Melinda, affectionately known as Mel, was one of the young people I have been blessed to know and she first came into my life 25 years ago when she was originally diagnosed with cancer at the age of 13.  Mel came to Camp Good Days first as a camper and stayed as a volunteer.  She carried her battle with cancer throughout her life, with some obvious physical and visible signs and when she looked in the mirror or met new people, everyone could tell that she had gone through a difficult experience and some challenges.  However, Mel never let cancer define who she was.  She finished high school and went on to college.  She passed her nursing boards and worked as a nurse at Strong Memorial Hospital, working her way up to being a supervising nurse.  She married an exceptional gentleman who became her life partner and best friend.  Despite all that was going on in her life, Mel always found time to care for others.  I was always so impressed with her many accomplishments so when we had an opening on the Camp Good Days’ Board of Director’s I invited Mel to serve.  Not only was she an involved and active member of the Board, she continued to volunteer at the many sessions of our Women’s Oncology Program, bringing her love of jewelry-making and spending the day with the women teaching them how to make beautiful earrings, necklaces and bracelets, and she brought all of her own materials and supplies for them to use.

Mel was someone who was my hero.  No matter how bad or challenging of a day I had, when I was with her, she always made me feel better, and I am confident she had that effect on all those she came into contact with.  She truly helped you to look at things and keep them all in the proper perspective. 

This past February, Mel’s cancer returned with a vengeance and this past week SHE made the decision to stop the treatment and have hospice care in her home.  I was honored that her husband called me on Monday and asked if I would visit her that afternoon.  I am so grateful I was able to do that and that I had the chance to hold hands, one more time, with this gentle and extraordinary young lady, the day before she left this world. 

Melinda will never know how she touched so, so many lives through being an inspiration for others by the way she handled the difficult hand in life she was dealt, through her work as a nurse, and through her giving spirit as a volunteer.  She impacted my life so much and I will carry our friendship and those things we shared with me all the days of my life.  Our community and our Camp Good Days’ family has lost a shining star and I have lost a very special angel. 

I ask that each of you keep Judge Bonadio and Melinda’s families and friends, as well as all of the children, families, and volunteers who are a part of Camp Good Days in your thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind and sincere words.

Marilynne said...

Thank you, Gary. Camp meant so much to Melinda. Your tribute to Melinda Andrus brings to life the amazing life she led.
Marilynne Lipshutz

Shanti said...

I can't believe that she's gone. Thank you for your beautiful words about Melinda. I'll take her in my heart forever.
Shanti Ordonez.

Unknown said...

You captured Melinda's spirit beautifully. She certainly left a mark on me and I will always remember her strength and kindness. She was a gift to all who knew her.